Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, August 30, 2007


eat and sing at kbox.. 23++ per pax from 6 to 10pm.. food so-so.. but i think its a great idea as ppl can eat while waiting for the turn to sing.. had fun with my colleagues.. screaming and laughing at each other.. kekeke.. so it's a "4 dragons and a dog" concert.. luckily we din loose our voices today.. hehehe else our bosses probably wondering wat we did last evening :P *grin*

Friday, August 24, 2007

Crocs - mary jane..

My dear bought this for me and mil.. well the intention was to buy for her.. but i got bored waiting for her to decide on the models and colors.. so my dear asked me to try if it's comfy for me.. beach (the original model) doesn't fit my feet.. feel weird on my toes.. this marry jane so comfy and more gal-like.. actually it's too gal for me.. but my dear prefers this color than the tiffany.. guess wat.. mil still deciding when i have already decided.. lucky we have a patient sales gal.. so i looked for a deco to brighten up my mary jane.. bought a purple (left shoe) and red (right) flowers.. it's 4.20 each =P.. thank you dear.. not done yet.. my mom was grumbling abt buying such expensive "plastic" shoes.. i think she prob jealous.. kekeke.. so guess wat my mil decided on.. same model same color but different size *pout*

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Mom has been pestering me to use green bean powder with facial cleanser to wash face.. rem i tried it few yrs back.. well it was pretty coarse and my face got worst.. so i have been trying to siam her.. but she is very firm and told me her fren's son's face is spotless after using this.. result in a week.. soooo i am swayed.. today is my 4th day trial.. 3 days to see result.. hopefully my face will b spotless soon.. kekeke.. so far it din get worst.. crossing my fingers *grin*..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I wan....

lots of luck.. 2nd round interview.. plssssssss let me thru..

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New toy..

Samsung SGH-L760.. pay 38 bucks for it when sign new contract and/or get new line.. swapped mom's M1 to singtel.. nice color but fatter than my current.. abt 6mm fatter.. smaller than my current.. this time i can listen to radio from my mobile.. my dear will inherit my current.. a yr to contract ends.. hehe the time to change mobile phone again.. yippie..

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Training is...

great as there are snacks and gossips times.. demos and hands-on.. no stresses and very peaceful.. not so great as there are no emails and IMs.. gosh.. feel very handicapped.. luckily i still can blog.. keke..

Monday, August 06, 2007

Out for 2 days training..

so glad to b out of office.. really need a break.. to breath some fresh air.. a short week for me.. will b working for 1.5 days.. peaceful wed & fri as many will b out of office.. yippie..

Sunday, August 05, 2007


need to blog this in case i forget.. my dear promised to sponsor 500 for changing my wardrobe if i start on new job.. keke coz he's sick of me bugging him to go town shopping.. so.. if i can stop bugging.. he will spend a weekend with me in town and spend 500 on my new clothes.. heehee deal sealed.. a big motivation on job hunting.. jiayou!!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Dear's bday..

well.. nth special.. except he had 3 bday cakes.. 1 with colleagues.. 1 with my folks.. 1 with his folks.. and i paid for 2.. keke mayb he had 1 yucky 1 alone last yr in US.. this time he had triple celebrations.. anyways we had abalone porridge for lunch.. as we had too much cakes.. dinner was late and bcoz we couldn't find parking in HV.. we ended up at clementi hawker with satay and western food sold out.. next day we had tim sum at teahouse for lunch.. yeh again.. but with his family this time.. we had soo much food that fill up the whole table.. hehe my dear was stuffed to max.. greedy boy.. anyways.. his sis's bday in 2 weeks.. mayb another meetup.. hopefully not.. crossing my fingers *grin*..