Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Grand Canyon

My dear planned to camp at grand canyon rim, base and the mid.. well me not so keen but i dun mind.. coz we never camp on our own.. anyways we reached the campsite really late.. so my dear had to use the car headlight to pitch tent.. it was freezing cold.. our neighbours had bright lights and fire.. we only had a tiny lamp.. well since there wasn't much to do.. we quickly hid into our sleeping bag and had an early nite.. but we din sleep well.. every movement brought the cold air into the sleeping bag.. and i cuddled deeper and deeper into the bag.. finally sunrise and it was -5 deg.. near me were alot of tiny ice (shape like "1") on the tent.. so cute.. dear said they were my saliva and i wondered (?!?!?!).. anyways gotta quickly wash up (gosh the water was soooo cold until my hands and face were numb.. so end up chop2 rinse and go.. argh cannot take it) and pack up (my dear did it alone :P.. aiya coz my brain got freezed.. so whatever i do i need additional 3 mins.. stone like mad) to queue for the back country permits.. so excited..

Yippie we got the permits.. .. embarked on our adventure down to the corolado river (south kaibab trail).. look how gorgeous the rim looked.. actually the trek down was quite siong.. finally reached the bright angel campground after 5 hrs.. super doper tired.. my dear even worst.. he was carrying tent, 2 therma mats, stove and gas, 2 sleeping bags, 2 fleeces, 2 jackets (we took them out along the way coz it was so warm), etc.. see how much he pampered me.. i was only carrying food/water and small items.. compared to his.. chicken feet.. *sayang*

"Special" frens who came to visit us at the base campsite.. sooo cute rite.. the best night for both of us .. not too cold and very peaceful.. but we woke up feeling all the muscle aches :((

We started our trek back via bright angel trail after breakfast.. more siong than trekking down.. my backpack was heavier.. coz poor dear had too many to carry so i "insisted" to share load.. well just take it as a "jian fei" session lor :P.. we found a trek down to the river.. so close that i can touch and feel the water running thru my fingers (it was cold).. admired the surroundings and roars of the river.. it is this river that created the canyon.. so amazing rite..

Our trek up wasn't very easy with all the muscle aches and load.. look at the trail.. zip zap up the hill.. i always get very motivated when i can feel that i'm losing weight.. keke.. so i climbed faster and faster.. leaving my dear behind :P.. finally we reached the last camp ground (indian garden).. deers were roaming close to us.. wind was strong.. after pitching the tent and some unpacking.. i dragged my poor dear to trek to plateu point (see below for the view looking down).. seems like it was going to rain and sun was setting.. so we hurried back.. the worst nite (ya worst than our first freezing nite).. the wind was howling whole nite.. so noisy that i couldn't sleep well.. worried about the tent will "fly" away.. the tree beside will collapse.. lucky my dear put rocks and the tent was still up and firm when we woke up..

Wanted to woke up early to see sunrise.. first day of 2006 in grand canyon.. keke.. end up we saw the sun shine on the canyon only.. silly me to think that we will see the sun rise.. "we are inside the canyon! how to see sunrise!" my dear "grumbled".. keke..

Last day in canyon.. was feeling really sad to leave this wonderful and amazing place and go back to civilisation.. bye bye grand canyon.. *sob*

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Las Vegas

I struggled to stay awake for all the car rides.. dunno was it due to jetlag or i have motion sickness :P.. so poor dear had to drive and kept himself awake.. anyways.. it was really dark.. my dear was looking out all the time for this city while i was in dreamland (so that i won't miss the beautiful view).. everyone told us that this city was soooo bright and will cheer up the boring drive.. dear woke me up.. but it wasn't the city.. just a small town.. well.. to accompany him.. i stayed awake.. looked up and saw the sky glittering with soooo many stars... the more i looked the more they were.. this reminded me of the milky way i saw when i climbed to the peak of kinabalu.. finally in front of us.. the city of lights.. the first light i looked out for was the beam from the praymid.. so amazing..

We walked down the strip.. watched the verious free shows (volcano, musical fountain, etc).. admired the interior design of the hotels.. it was really cold when the wind blows... *shivered*.. i loved the m&m world.. looked at how pretty and huge the chocolates are... *drool*.. but i din buy.. too ex and too lovely to eat..

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Kelso Dunes

We stopped by to trek up the dunes on our way to las vegas.. my dear had a tuff time reaching the top.. keke.. he was panting and sweating like mad.. just like our snow trek at peyto lake in canada.. he suffered soooo much.. well this trek is "chicken feet" to me :P.. keke.. maybe i am "light" enuff hee3.. i loved the part where we "glided" down from the top.. keke.. my dear was so worried that i will fall and roll down.. think he should worry for himself :P

We din wait for sunset at the top coz it might be too dark to descent.. anyway looked at how beautiful the sand during sunset.. *mesmerized*

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Disneyland @ Anaheim

I missed it during my HK trip since it was still under construction.. but we passed it on our mtr ride to lantau island.. eh.. din see anything.. just patches of greens..

So i was really excited to spend xmas eve and day at disneyland.. the happiest place on earth.. celebrating 50th anniversary.. fireworks every nite and special xmas parade.. so we planned to watch the firework on xmas eve.. wow.. soooooo many ppl.. we struggled to find a place in front of the palace to view the fireworks (the best view).. weather wasn't good.. dunno is it cloudy or foggy.. wind was strong.. waited and waited.. they kept playing the annoucement that the firework might be cancalled.. gosh.. i was disappointed.. finally they cancelled it.. *sob sob*..

Well still had to enjoy ourselves.. so we rushed for indiana jones ride.. keke.. fun!.. then queued for small world boat ride.. gosh.. was interesting in the beginning.. after a while i fell asleep.. my dear was shocked and amazed that i dozed off with all the loud music.. "it's a small world afterall.. it's a small small world".. kekeke.. well.. guess it was jetlag :P hee3..

We were greeted and sent off by these characters.. sooooo cute... i found myself waving to them like telling them that i will see them tomorrow.. time to go back to zzz.. really tired and zomb.. this was only day 1 in US..

To cut long story short.. we watched the fireworks (really long per session.. maybe 20mins) twice.. the parades and took all the rides.. managed to take pictures with mickey and minnie.. mermaid.. pooh bear.. buzz and chicken little.. really had fun and enjoyed the place to the fullest.. the best was that i spent my xmas with my dear in disneyland.. such a special xmas :)

Holiday in US - 24 Dec to 16 Jan

Yippie!!.. flying off to see my dear, his car and apartment :) and travelling together again..

24-26 dec @ los angeles and anaheim (knotts and disneyland)..
27-29 dec @ las vegas
30-01 jan camping @ grand canyon
02-07 jan @ san diego
08-14 jan @ san francisco
15 jan @ san diego and byebye to my dear

Sunday, December 04, 2005

My second marathon - 4 Dec - #3963

I wanted to beat my last timing (aim for under 6 hrs this time) and since it is free (company is paying and 1 off-in-lieu *grin*).. so i decided to run again even thou my dear won't be here to run or cheer me on.. my colleagues joined too but for half marathon/10km.. i trained for it.. clocking my miles every week.. so end up i spent most of my time running or working.. poor dear.. keke..

I did it.. 5:56:39.. thou i did wonder why i torture myself again at 35km mark.. 42.195km leh.. it is 2x half marathon or 4x 10km or 18x 2.4km.. @ 25km mark my muscles and blisters were "screaming" at me to stop.. but i'm glad i completed it.. still work the next day.. 5 blue black toes.. 3 days of muscles ache :)

The best is I "felt" very skinny after this.. keke..

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My dear left for US..

He is posted to San Diego for a year.. longest time to be aparted.. max was only 2 weeks.. sob sob..

Monday, July 25, 2005

Hong Kong - 25 to 30 Jul

UA had a promo to fly to HK for 10k miles.. i need a holiday before i start my new job on 1 aug.. my dear not keen but he still gives in :).. well i went HK 3 times liao but i dun mind since i haven't been there with him before and it is really "cheap" in terms of mileage redemption.. keke..

End up, our camera dropped into the sea and spoilt liao.. walked like crazy (esp ocean park, lantau and lamma island, the peak, etc).. ate like pigs.. but still i enjoyed it the most..

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Seattle and Canada - 23 Apr to 9 May

My dear left for US biz trip on 17 apr.. we arrange to meet @ seattle on 23 apr since he is attending MS conference there.. after that we will travel upwards to canada.. yippie.. another exciting trip..

23-28 apr @ seattle

29-30 apr @ vancouver, canada
1-2 may ski @ whistler
3-7 may trek and drive @ canadian rockies (clearwater, jasper, banff, kamloops)
8 may @ seattle and bye bye to US..

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My first US trip - biz trip @ Salt Lake City - 22 Mar to 2 Apr

Was so excited that i am going US for biz trip.. first time flying so far.. first time seeing snow (amazed by how beautiful it looks).. first time skiing too.. the best is it is free :)

My dear and mom were worried.. keke not to worry.. i'm smart :) din miss connecting flights or knock by cars (almost coz i forgot that it is left-hand drive :P)