Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

CNY 2006

I had steamboat for reunion dinner.. same as previous years.. last year my dear was here.. this year was quiet without him.. poor dear alone in US with no "good" food like abalone, seafood, etc.. actually this was the best meal i ever had since i came back from US.. mom helping out as confinement lady for a friend.. so poor me have been eating instant noodles (maggi or japanese ramen) or tabao.. sometimes i just eat fruits or snacks for dinner.. so lazy and so sick of noodles.. have been counting down for mom's home cooked food.. tomorrow she will be "free" :).. yippie..

As usual i dun have alot of visiting.. just to my aunt's place.. else we will stay home and wait for others to come.. quiet and peaceful cny.. time to rest.. gossip and play mahjong with my colleagues and online chats with my dear.. not alot of angbaos but i'm happy :)..

I was surprised to receive angbaos from my bosses.. yea bosses coz i have 2 to report to :).. happy too.. of coz not for the $ but for the blessings.. a good "kai gong ji li" :)

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