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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dan Brown

Some time back last year i read his "the da vinci code" book.. a pretty "fat" book.. very few books can bring me to the ending.. coz i cannot keep my focus on words too long.. or maybe i cannot sit still for long.. keke.. but my dear kept encouraging me to read.. very interesting novel written on true places and paints.. even with illustrations.. having unexpected twists.. blah blah blah.. alright i trust my dear's taste.. and it got me hooked.. keke.. i made a guess on who is the mastermind before i finished reading.. and kept pestering my dear to tell me if i'm right.. really can't wait to know.. he din say.. but i can see from his expressions that i am right.. keke.. smart gal eh.. i really like this novel a lot.. for those who haven't been reading or keen on thriller with twists.. do read this book.. i can "lend" though it belongs to my dear.. just take care of it and dun lose it.. let me know eh.. for more info check it out at http://www.danbrown.com/secrets/bizarre_facts/davinci_code.html

Since then i haven't been reading.. and my dear has all his books.. today i found "angels & demons".. keke.. i even forgot that i read a few chapters (from where i placed the bookmark =P).. think my dear asked me to read this shortly after i finished with "the da vinci code".. this book "looks" thinner.. but both have about near 600 pages.. hmmm.. hopefully it is as interesting as "the da vinci code" or even better.. alright i'm set to read this..

Found out that "the da vinci code" has made into a movie.. showing here on 18 may.. looking forward.. but my dear won't be here to watch with me *sob*.. check it out at http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/thedavincicode/

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