Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Repair or replace?!?!..

Dad found and taped the leaking holes.. after a full refill.. i made my way to the mechanic.. he checked and found many holes.. at least i saw 2 small and 1 big ones.. water splashing out.. well he can repair but not sure if it can tahan until aug.. he advised to change the pipe.. it's the safest way.. he took the pipe out showed me.. it was really rusty and a lot of holes.. so after consulting my dear and dad.. we opt for replace.. 55 for the pipe and 20 for workmanship.. so not too bad.. yeah at least i feel safe to drive..

Waited for abt 2 hours.. went ikea and anchor point.. had a drink and a chocolate
croissant.. he was kind enuff to check on the brake oil and etc.. all ok except brake oil is leaking a little.. so no jam braking.. gotta drive slower and no tailgating.. else the oil may leak even more.. lastly to find him when the brake is not working.. keke.. i will be very "guai".. really dun wana go though this hassle again.. so mafan..

Then i went to IMM for haircut.. feel good again.. light and refresh =)

Keke not done yet.. went home to bath and met frens at robertson walk for england and paraguay match.. very boring game.. england score was own goal.. so sad.. #8 (forgot his name) attempted a few times but were saved by the goal keeper.. well trip not wasted as i managed to catch up with frens abit.. haven't met them for ages.. they still the same.. guess the changes are age and hobbies.. we still work on the same things (family/work/hobbies).. keke.. guess this is life =).. a simple life..

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