Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Welcome baby Iain

Received a sms on 7 Sept when i was at hakone.. ah lian gave birth to a baby boy!!!.. so happy for her.. met her before i leave for my trip.. keke she was dying to "get" her baby out.. i can imagine how desperate she is.. being grounded for 9 mths.. 9 mths to her was really really long..

Visited her at the rite time.. feeding time *grin*.. baby so adorable with long hands and limbs.. daddy so fat *bleh*.. keke mom still doing well.. skinner than daddy.. not as bad as what i tot.. brought her 2 bottles of rice wine and 1 baby clothe.. got it from yokohama.. kimono-like.. really cute.. glad that ah lian loves it..

Counting down to full mth celebration.. kawaiiiiiii..

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