Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, April 07, 2007


in gough's cave at cheddar caves and gorge was really exciting and interesting.. we were crawling thru really tiny holes and crevasses (hehe my dear managed to squeeze thru.. i was worried he may get stuck =P) and climbing up and down the ladders.. some parts involved near vertical head first crawls.. the chambers were huge and cooling.. very dark and "muddy".. too bad no pics as no cameras allowed.. really not for claustrophobia.. i doubt i will ever go caving again.. i had bruises now on my knees and i was "stressed" by my dirty hands, legs and body.. luckily everything was provided but still the thought of crawling with my bare hands in the "mud" again freaked me out.. definitely a good experience with a cost of 16 pounds per pax.. no more mulu caves in my to-do-list.. yuckssssss..

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