Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, August 08, 2010

settling down...

for the first few days.. we keep forgetting to switch off the lights and aircon.. keep reminding ourselves to close the windows.. keep forgetting things and have to climb the stairs few times a day.. din sleep well bcoz of heavy rain/wind where the heavy rain drops pelted so hard on the windows.. finally we are out of these..

we have been relying on our i-robot to vacuum the place.. it always "die" in the first run as it does not know how to go back to charge.. hopefully hubby can fix this soon.. so finally we swept and mopped the house yesterday.. washed the terrace and toilets.. wiped part of the glasses.. did laundry.. we stopped the house chores after lunch.. hubby made pork porridge.. not too bad but too "thick" for me..

my mom came over in the afternoon.. both of us went swimming and the water was so cold.. i realized i have not swam with her for ages.. we let her relax.. hubby made dinner and i did the washing.. dad came over to pick her home and went back after looking at our night views..

the busy day completes with the ironing.. it's amazing how much work we have done.. now i'm having muscles ache.. not sure if it's from the house chores or swimming.. anyways.. feel really great.. we love our new home.. hope we can keep up with these..

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