Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, January 28, 2006


My dear not feeling well.. asked him to drink more water or take some honey.. said i nagged.. when he fell sick in sg.. i always take care of him.. now he is away.. what else can i do.. *upset*..

Friday, January 27, 2006

Lousy day..

Sian.. woke up by user @ 6am and worked on the issue with a colleague.. we tried to get help from others (waste our breath and time).. end up it resolved itself.. wasted around 1 hrs plus analysing logs.. then swarmed by issues and emails.. projects plan for this year.. we have an inofficial early release at 3pm.. end up i went home at 8 plus.. last minute kana arrowed to help out an installation.. our boss instructed that we cannot leave until the app is working.. and he left around 4.. those who are supposed to do the installations are doing extra that does not help much.. end up i have to troubleshoot and seek help from other colleagues.. sickening.. one of the colleagues was really really late for dinner with gf.. think she waited since 4pm.. poor guy.. kana stressed by her, me and his boss (who called and nagged him to reduce his 3 days leave)..

Rite now.. i feel so tired and drained and demoralised.. think i need to rest and relax during this cny period.. must start the "puppy" year rite.. haven't really chatted with my dear.. so bz.. looking forward to our chitchat over net tomolo.. yippie..

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

His car @ san diego

Ford Mustang.. a guy's dream car.. a car that we won't get to drive in sg.. is what he drives in san diego.. so cool rite.. but i dun dare to drive.. feel so "tiny" when i sit inside.. cannot see the front and back.. *stressed*.. anyways i missed being fetched around.. so it's ok :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Seals and sea lions

Harbour seals @ La Jolla Cove, San Diego

Northern eleplant seals @ Ano Nuevo State Reserve, Half Moon Bay (South of San Francisco)
We missed the fights between the 2.5 ton bulls over the mating privileges among the harems of females.. all of them were sleeping and they are really huge.

California sea lions @ San Francisco Pier 39
I can smell and hear them before i can see them.. gosh really nosiy and stink :P

His cooking @ san diego

I have a dear who loves to cook for me.. and worries that i dun have enuff to eat.. see the portion and varieties.. keke.. we din waste food thou our tummy almost "exploded" after every meal.. really feel so fat.. may be we starved too much at canyon.. keke.. so glad that he has a dishwasher *grin*.. else i have to wash all the dishes.. yeah this is how we share "chores".. oh yes not to forget.. my dear woke up early every morning just to make breakfast.. so sweet rite.. dun envy eh..

Our favorite daily routine @ san diego is grocery shopping :)).. looking out for promos.. those buy 4 or 10 @ US X amount blah blah.. keke we had a hard time bringing them home.. :P *greedy*..

Sunsets from different places

Kelso dunes

La Jolla Cove @ San Diego

Cabrillo National Monument @ San Diego

San Francisco

Sunday, January 22, 2006

"Busy" day

Woke up late around 2 plus.. catched up with a gf and went out dinner with my folks.. so missed the chatting window with my dear.. *sianz*.. din wana wake him up so will "catch" him tomorrow.. sweet dreams..

Well.. after the chit chat.. i felt really blessed having such wondeful bf.. someone who loves and cares for me soooo much.. *miss*


I din win for a long long time :) thou it was only 7 bucks.. felt great.. was losing but managed to get some good wins.. really enjoyed the game.. learned to "let go" at the rite time .. so my buddy and fren couldn't "see" thru my tiles.. shiok.. but my buddy's fren wasn't very friendly.. "bitter gourd" face.. kinda spoilt my mood.. he was totally different when we had kopi.. guess his own mahjong kakis dun play friendly games like us.. take it easy eh :)

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Just wana blog to keep my dear and frens updated (esp crankygal) and also to remind myself of my accomplishments and challenges in life, plus key events that happened.. my memory is slowly giving up on me :(..

Friday, January 13, 2006

Cheesecake factory @ San Francisco

It was sooooo crowded and we had to take away since my dear had to rush back for work.. we bought 2 cheesecakes (godiva and tiramisu) and 1 chocolate cake for lunch.. kekeke.. they were so yummie.. the cheese was just nice and melt right in the mouth.. *drool*.. the chocolate cake was really really huge.. we couldn't finish them.. end up we had them for dinner as well.. keke.. really ex and sinful :P

The view out from the open dining area

Crankygal's wedding..

Sad that can't make it as i am away in san francisco.. my dear on biz trip from 8-14 jan for macworld.. so either i follow or i dun.. 7-9 jan flights were full so i gotta follow.. follow and i will miss her wedding.. promised to be her jiemei.. hai~~ in the end.. mom attended on my behalf..

But i did not forget.. i logon to sms my blessings :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Old navy @ San Francisco

Other than rei and factory outlets @ san diego and las vegas.. this was my favourite shop.. old navy.. couldn't find what i like and cheap stuffs from gap, vs, banana republic, etc.. i visited this shop almost everyday.. hoping to find something new and fit me :).. they were having additional 30% off on top of the discounted price.. end up i bought 2 sports bra, 2 shirts and 5 pants for US105.. cannot remember how many nites later i saw a big truck infront of the shop.. thinking they might have new stock for sales.. i went back the next day.. no new items but they were on 50%.. gosh.. end up i bought 2 more pants (same design but diff color :P) for US21.. keke my dear insisted to take this pic.. the shop where i spent the most.. keke..

Monday, January 09, 2006

Godiva *drool*

He bought me godiva chocolates (144 pieces 1.81kg US134).. thou 50% off (US66.95) it was not really cheap.. just bcoz they are my favourite and i cannot "convince" myself to buy it.. this is how much he pampered me.. so sweet of him rite.. look at them.. so pretty and yummie.. so we always share the same piece and he always let me have the first bite.. if he "noticed" that i like that particular favour.. he will ask me to eat it all or he will say he dun feel like eating.. but i always wana share with him.. now mom is so "attracted" to my chocolates.. *sob sob* i spot check every nite just to make sure she dun finish them all.. *so unfilial* :P

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Whale watching (pacific grey whales)

It was the rite timing to watch the migrating pacific gray whales en route from the arctic ocean to baja california at cabrillo national monument @ san diego.. but it was really very far.. too far to see anything.. all we saw were the spouting of the whales.. not even the tail or body.. compared to the last whale watch @ seattle (orca).. this is very disappointing.. let me know if you can spot in the pic.. *wink*

Lighthouse and nice coast views :) here

Friday, January 06, 2006

Ski @ Big Bear

A day ski @ big bear lake (US152 for 2).. think a 2 hrs drive.. not very sure coz i fell asleep (yea again as always :P).. the road was windy and i wasn't feeling well.. keke so confirmed i have motion sickness :P.. we started abit late and the weather was hot and sunny.. the slopes were not as fantastic as in whistler.. the ppl were not as "friendly" (slope "hogger") :P so i'm scared that they will bang onto me.. constantly looking out for them.. keke well i'm still beginner.. my 3rd time.. i was doing fine until near closing.. keke.. started to fall and fall and fall again (forgot how many times thou).. think my knees could not take it anymore and my fear of falling increased dramatically.. or maybe the slope was too steep (keke cannot remember now).. so i "brought" back alot of bruises as "souveniers".. but i had fun.. my dear probably enjoyed more than me :)