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Monday, January 23, 2006

His cooking @ san diego

I have a dear who loves to cook for me.. and worries that i dun have enuff to eat.. see the portion and varieties.. keke.. we din waste food thou our tummy almost "exploded" after every meal.. really feel so fat.. may be we starved too much at canyon.. keke.. so glad that he has a dishwasher *grin*.. else i have to wash all the dishes.. yeah this is how we share "chores".. oh yes not to forget.. my dear woke up early every morning just to make breakfast.. so sweet rite.. dun envy eh..

Our favorite daily routine @ san diego is grocery shopping :)).. looking out for promos.. those buy 4 or 10 @ US X amount blah blah.. keke we had a hard time bringing them home.. :P *greedy*..

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