Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, April 21, 2006


Heard about this show last year.. at that time i was "crazy" chasing after japanese series by kimura.. so gave it a miss..

Recently it was broadcasted on channel u.. keke.. me and mom faithfully watched it every nite.. at a mahjong session at fren's place.. found them having the vcds so i borrowed from them.. the amazing thing is me and mom finish watching 33 dvds in 5 days =)

Since i need to work and bz with deployment.. i sacrificed my sleep to catch up.. 3am is my limit.. keke.. so a panda for 5 days.. well.. oso sacrificed chatting with my dear on weekend.. coz by the time i woke up is my dear's bedtime.. lucky i have a understanding bf.. tq dear *grin*..


just a girl said...

5days!!! You very good! I only just finished 4 discs in 5days! LOL

jeri said...

heehee.. i can "dong" when i wan to.. he always cannot take it when i watch tv etc.. like i'm stuck into the tv =P "lost" my soul.. *grin*