Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Family day at the zoo..

My first time at the company family day.. the activities were quite fun.. weather was cloudy with small drizzle..

Won the group games and the prize was glad ware containers.. lost the safari trail competition (top prize S$500) but we had shoe bag as souvenir.. door gift includes bottle from our MI3 campaign, fan, sling bag and mineral water.. missed all the lucky draw prizes.. lunch was horrible.. but i still enjoyed myself =)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

1 month to anniversary...

Time really flies.. another 1 month to our 2nd anniversary.. and we are miles away =(

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy birthday laiyin

Welcome to the big 3 family.. and congratulation to your "promotion" *grin*..

Really glad that our friendship didn't stop at graduation.. thanks for letting me pour all my sorrows and complains for so many years.. our "havo" time.. your encouragement to go camping that "triggered" my trekking interest.. where i met a lot of friends and someone special.. THANK YOU!!!

Cheers for our friendship to last forever (where our kids can play and grow up together.. of coz wait for me to get married first =P).. for happiness.. and for good health.. yum seng.. kekekeke..

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Welcome home, mom and dad

So pissed off with dad.. told him we are going liang court/daimaru for japanese food.. yelled at me to turn right when we came out from cte orchard exit.. so angry and i stopped right after i missed that turn.. STOP as in jammed brake and stopped at the MAIN road.. and he was still yelling.. then i yelled back we are going to liang court.. he shut up and looked stunned (i can see it from my rear mirror).. arghhhhh... then he started to complain that we din tell him so he thought we are going takashimaya.. walau.. pissed me even off.. told him so many times.. twice at home and once before we reached orchard exit.. never listen!!!.. scolded him until he had nothing to say..

So that was the drama before our dinner at tampopo.. was dad's first time too.. celebration to welcome them home.. mother's day and dad's birthday.. kekeke saved a lot of $ to celebrate all together plus i had 50% discount from the loyalty card *grin*.. so we had 3 persons set tonkatsu, kyushu ramen and salmon belly sashimi *yum yum*..

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's day..

Mom still not back.. so i will celebrate with her on tue..

Did laundry today so that she won't be nagging at me.. lucky the new washing machine is really easy to use.. but the hanging of clothes and ironing were so tiring *pout*.. really missed dear's clothes dryer machine in US..

Went tampopo to have dinner alone.. the whole place was crowded with families.. some kids and babies were crying.. gosh so noisy.. had zaru soba and sukiyaki beef nabe.. something different from my usual ramen.. it's yummie but i missed dear so much.. i dun feel lonely instead i felt something missing.. maybe we always come here to eat.. it's our favorite japanese restaurant.. when we chatted earlier he asked me to get some frens to have dinner there.. but i am just too lazy to find.. anyways i can eat alone.. so used to it as i often went business trips alone.. even now i will eat alone at times at work.. so dear.. dun worry about me =)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happenings at ubin

Well a summary of the happenings at ubin..

The resort is pretty neat minus the mosquitoes, lizards, frogs, cockroaches and disgusting bugs that fly..

Workshops on first day were on corporate values, some sharing of major projects and some hot topics like user management, individual productivity etc.. my favourite was on the conflicts between teams.. it was like GE on aljunied constituency.. kekeke..

Food at OBS was not bad.. pretty decent.. unlike what i was told =)

BBQ dinner was great.. there were 2 pits setup and my gang hogged on the first.. with my “experience” of bbqing and a colleague as fire “controller”.. our food tasted so good.. the prawns stuffed with garlic were sweet and tender.. chicken wings had some crispiness and juicy.. etc.. we had free beer and I had some =)

Won a company laptop bag from lucky draw.. missed the 250 best denki voucker and osim i-hamper..

Supposed to conquer the highest top at OBS but it rained.. so disappointed.. end up we had to climb indoor.. we had 4 obstacles which 2 are pretty similar.. i did 3.. we had to pair up and climb to the top together.. kekeke.. my colleagues had “labeled” me as a man.. honored or disgusted =P

Learned that there are a lot of efforts put in by other people to get one up to the top.. the person you paired up with, the belayer, the anchor and one who hold the remaining rope behind the belayer (forgot what this role call).. so i must remember to appreciate those who help me to get work done.. of coz i will remember those who hinder me as well.. *hng*

Bosses were making efforts to jell in to understand us better.. aiyo.. the “lao da” always talked to us on our boat rides and meal times.. “lao er” always started on wrong topics..

My gang had a sabotage on one colleague.. to throw him into the pool.. he struggled so hard and when he got up.. he actually kicked 2 chaps.. gosh they nearly had a fight.. anyways cold war now..

Pictures will be uploaded later =)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Freaking busy week

Both myself and dear are really super doper busy at work.. hardly msn.. *pout*..

Worst we cannot "chat" since i will b at ubin for 2 whole days.. *pout pout*..

Missing you dear.. gotta hit the bed soon.. need to wake up at 530am =(

Out at ubin on 12/13 may..

Department team building at ubin.. staying at marina country club - ubin resort..1 day of workshops and 1 day of activities at OBS.. will post more when i'm back..

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Dear's freak accidents

"Clumsy" dear hurt himself on his climbing trip.. stepped on a fallen log and slipped.. got his kneecap on a protruding stub.. hai~~~ bleed and swollen.. *poor thing*..

And his new shoes cut his heels until bleed on the last trekking trip.. hai hai~~~

Both with "scary" pictures.. *heart pain*..

Angels and demons

Well finished reading the book.. din really expect such an ending.. prefer da vinci code more in terms of the series of happenings.. maybe bcoz of it i have higher expectations.. i find this book too religious and "chim" (scientifically) for me to understand.. anyways it still kept me reading on so it isn't that bad..

Hmm shall i read his other book?!?!?!...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

CF's wedding

Attended a fren's wedding whom i met on my ophir trip.. nice but quiet chap.. after many trekking trips he finally found someone who is so "like" him.. they are quite a perfect match except of the 10-years age difference.. i think they have also worked that out.. so really happy for them..

Their wedding was a simple church wedding (eh i was late and arrived just in time for reception *heehee*).. with the tea ceremony in the morning.. and honeymoon later in the month.. and also some short trekking trip plans before the bride starts working in july (eh fresh graduate).. no banquet no hassles..

Here i wish them happiness and hand-in-hand to ride through the up-and-down in life..

Friday, May 05, 2006


Found an old credit bill from my canada trip last year may charged in this month bank statement.. so pissed off by the bank service.. lucky i kept and found the old bank statement and printed email of my online booking.. shall settle with the bank on monday.. hai~~~ troublesome!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Home alone

My folks are out of town from today to 16 may.. going mei xian and hong kong for a few days.. home alone *pout*.. no home cooked food.. no laundry "maid".. no dear dear around too.. so depressing..

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Company is sponsoring Tom Cruise’s latest blockbuster movie.. Mission: Impossible III.. there is an exclusive screening for staff today *grin*..

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Team building

My dept's team building will be at ubin on 12 to 13 may.. "arrowed" as one of the committee.. arghh.. so mafan *pout*..

Ski while i dive

My dear went skiing at big bear on 30 apr (sg date) *pout*.. while i was in tioman *pout pout*.. took a lot of nice pics where the clouds cover the view beneath completely on his way up.. just like the view from mount kinabalu *pout pout pout*..

Well he was complaining that i din miss him.. coz i din sms or even go online (connection was ex).. but i did.. hoping that one day we will dive together hand in hand.. admiring the wonderful and pretty underwater world (keke not at the aquariums).. and also when the sun sets.. where he will always take pics.. how we used to suntan together.. how we played in the waves at the beach (kuantan drive-away trip)..

Hng.. another ski trip without me.. all in all 3 times.. somemore can ski at black diamond liao.. *pout till my lips turn RED* *bleh*..

Monday, May 01, 2006

Reef restoration project on 28 Apr to 1 May

My first pack-n-go trip.. first company overseas event with the big big bosses *grin*.. a relax and "well taken care of" trip.. minus the "poor” service from the dive operator was really enjoyable and fun.. a bag of snacks and freebies are placed in the room.. dry bag, cap, water bottle, underwater camera, towel, slippers, torch, pen, wetsuit, pareo, polo shirts, etc.. nice superior room.. 5 dives include 1 at the DHL reef (aquascapes from the last 2004 project and new extension).. beach clean up at SPC (keke with certification of recognition).. dinner parties at the beach front.. buggy rides.. etc..

Visibility was pretty good.. most ppl saw sharks and turtles in the first dive but i missed them.. never felt so slow and lazy while diving before.. keke.. but i had a great nite dive.. saw an octopus, different sizes of crabs, shrimps, 2 scorpion fishes side-by-side, 2 black sea slugs making out, porcupine fish, etc..

Another lucky thing is to meet and have dinner with the famous photojournalist, Michael Aw.. got him to sign on his book "tropical reef fishes" that was given free for all of us.. *grin grin*..

Hmmm can't remember what else i missed out.. anyways check out the pics first..