Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ski while i dive

My dear went skiing at big bear on 30 apr (sg date) *pout*.. while i was in tioman *pout pout*.. took a lot of nice pics where the clouds cover the view beneath completely on his way up.. just like the view from mount kinabalu *pout pout pout*..

Well he was complaining that i din miss him.. coz i din sms or even go online (connection was ex).. but i did.. hoping that one day we will dive together hand in hand.. admiring the wonderful and pretty underwater world (keke not at the aquariums).. and also when the sun sets.. where he will always take pics.. how we used to suntan together.. how we played in the waves at the beach (kuantan drive-away trip)..

Hng.. another ski trip without me.. all in all 3 times.. somemore can ski at black diamond liao.. *pout till my lips turn RED* *bleh*..

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