Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happenings at ubin

Well a summary of the happenings at ubin..

The resort is pretty neat minus the mosquitoes, lizards, frogs, cockroaches and disgusting bugs that fly..

Workshops on first day were on corporate values, some sharing of major projects and some hot topics like user management, individual productivity etc.. my favourite was on the conflicts between teams.. it was like GE on aljunied constituency.. kekeke..

Food at OBS was not bad.. pretty decent.. unlike what i was told =)

BBQ dinner was great.. there were 2 pits setup and my gang hogged on the first.. with my “experience” of bbqing and a colleague as fire “controller”.. our food tasted so good.. the prawns stuffed with garlic were sweet and tender.. chicken wings had some crispiness and juicy.. etc.. we had free beer and I had some =)

Won a company laptop bag from lucky draw.. missed the 250 best denki voucker and osim i-hamper..

Supposed to conquer the highest top at OBS but it rained.. so disappointed.. end up we had to climb indoor.. we had 4 obstacles which 2 are pretty similar.. i did 3.. we had to pair up and climb to the top together.. kekeke.. my colleagues had “labeled” me as a man.. honored or disgusted =P

Learned that there are a lot of efforts put in by other people to get one up to the top.. the person you paired up with, the belayer, the anchor and one who hold the remaining rope behind the belayer (forgot what this role call).. so i must remember to appreciate those who help me to get work done.. of coz i will remember those who hinder me as well.. *hng*

Bosses were making efforts to jell in to understand us better.. aiyo.. the “lao da” always talked to us on our boat rides and meal times.. “lao er” always started on wrong topics..

My gang had a sabotage on one colleague.. to throw him into the pool.. he struggled so hard and when he got up.. he actually kicked 2 chaps.. gosh they nearly had a fight.. anyways cold war now..

Pictures will be uploaded later =)

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