Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Counting down...

1. to my first anniversary in the company [over and i'm swamped with more work even my colleague came back from reservist]

2. to a week in japan with dear.. climb mount fuji.. a nite in ryokan.. visit a shrine and imperial palace.. a bath at onsen.. etc etc *excited* [yeah =) 11 days to go.. preparing an eng and jap food list (so that we won't order wrong/weird things).. firming up on the itinerary and route (how to travel pt to pt).. things to do and places to go.. so excited]

3. to dear's return for biz trip.. yeah yeah yeah.. [yippie he will be here for 2.5 weeks]

4. to scrapping the car.. *sob sob* [just packed and cleared some stuffs.. zhen se bu de]

5. to my job transfer.. well same role but serve different depts.. not sure if it's a good change.. but at least it's much nearer to home.. keke.. nearer to the big bosses too.. oh ya.. hopefully this happens before car scraps.. else i will suffer motion sickness from the long bus ride everyday.. but i doubt so.. *pout* [latest news from colleagues is that i'll be back on 1st oct.. but my bosses are not telling me anything.. so not sure if this is confirmed]

6. to a long break in the states to visit my dear.. wish desperately for cheap airtix promo.. my folks are keen to follow.. so it might be my first trip so faraway with them.. gosh.. i cannot imagine man!!.. *pengz* [well had a discussion with my dear.. this trip will be postponed to early next year.. since he's back in sep and end nov]

7. to spend xmas with my dear.. our first xmas in luxor (egypt).. second xmas at disneyland (anaheim).. third xmas destination tba.. where shall we go?!?!.. korea.. maldives.. cambodia.. south africa.. [see my previous blog]

8. to my third marathon.. hai~~ need to start training again.. really very lazy nowadays.. [somehow i missed the promotion rate for early bird and past year runner.. keke.. not sure if i did it on purpose.. anyways i will run if company sponsors again.. *crossing my fingers HARD* =P]

9. to year end bonus.. *grin* [aiyo... 4-5 months to go.. so near yet so far]

probably you are wondering now why i’m counting down.. well have been feeling very bored and sian.. lazy too.. just wana see what i can look forward to until end of the year.. some perks to keep me going.. keke quite surprised to see such a list.. *hee hee*

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