Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, August 18, 2006

Answer is...

I will have no regrets :)

I have someone who love me so much.. had our footprints in the states, canada, egypt and hong kong.. of coz i will love to conquer more places with him.. my folks who love and "hate" me =P.. my friends who cannot stand me =P.. things that i have tried.. diving, wakeboarding, marathoning, clubbing, playing pool, karaoking, rock climbing, trekking, camping, rollerblading, skiing, 100km walking, etc.. quite amazed to see such a list.. keke..

Well i still have alot of things to do before i can really bid farewell.. so like wat duchess said is right.. treasure your love ones.. live life to the fullest since we will not know when things will happen..

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